According to Forbes magazine, Americans spend an average of 90% of their time indoors. In the majority of these cases, air quality is far worse inside than it is outside.
“Sick building syndrome” is the name given to a collection of illnesses and symptoms that afflict multiple occupants of a particular building. The symptoms include sinus infections, itchy eyes, scratchy throats, upset stomachs, headaches, difficulty concentrating, and fatigue. Complaints of these symptoms and overall discomfort can be localized in a particular room or office, or can be widespread throughout the building.
If this reminds you of your facility, there are luckily steps you can take to address the problem. Poor IAQ (indoor air quality) is very often the culprit behind SBS, and some initial strategies you can use to address it include:
- Upgrade all HVAC air filters in your facility from MERV 8 to MERV 11 in order to remove as much particle waste as possible
- Improve ventilation to provide outside air to occupants and to dilute and/or exhaust pollutants
- Identify the sources of air pollution, then remove or reduce the source
Greenleaf Filtration is sure to carry the replacement HVAC air filter that meets your needs, regardless of how niche your equipment or industry may be.