Mistakes That Can Hurt the Efficiency of Your HVAC System

HVAC system floor ventEvery home or business owner wants an HVAC unit that operates properly and keeps their home or office at the right temperature. However, most people also want a system that can do the job properly without burning a hole in their pocket. To ensure a system that works efficiently, here are some things to look out for that could be bad for your heating and cooling unit.

Leaky air ducts
Leaky air ducts have been found to be the biggest fault when it comes to wasting energy. They can be especially damaging in hot or humid weather, as occupants will usually lower the thermostat and waste even more money. Luckily, leaky air ducts can easily be tested and fixed.

Using the wrong air filter
Some people assume that the higher the number listed on an air filter package, the better it will perform. Others will reach for whichever HVAC air filters in Richmond are the least expensive. Rather than going by the manufacturer’s marketing or price tag, check your HVAC manual for recommendations or speak with a professional.

Blocking air return vents
While vents aren’t the most attractive element in a home, attempting to hide them beneath furniture will prevent your HVAC system from running efficiently. Keep vents uncovered and dust them often for a healthier and more efficient HVAC system.