What to Consider When Changing HVAC Equipment

hvac air filterIn order to make the right decision about the equipment they use for air filtration, it’s crucial that building owners, managers, operators, and maintenance personnel have access to reliable and accurate information about their options. Proper and in-depth research is a must, as effective air filtration will improve overall indoor air quality and promote a healthier and more productive work environment.

While the initial purchase price of industrial HVAC air filters can widely vary, it’s also important to consider all the factors that will be involved in the total lifecycle of the product. Overall, the total cost of ownership for any air filter can also be affected by costs associated with shipping, storage, operation, replacement, and disposal of the product.

Filtration Requirements
Filter selection must be based on the filtration requirements of the building where they will be used. For example, a building that operates industrial equipment will have different requirements than a medical facility where pure air is crucial. Take note of your new filter’s MERV (minimum efficiency reporting value) rating – this tells you what size particles the filter is capable of capturing, and what percentage of them it will remove from the air.

Operating Conditions
When replacing your HVAC system or air filters, also consider the operating conditions of both your unit and the building. For example, if there’s a leakage of air through imperfections in your building’s structure, it could mean that filtration efforts will need to be increased. If there is a leakage in ducts of filter bypass, the level of filtration will also not be optimal.